Bindex is a great screening instrument in Fracture Liaison Service (FLS)! - Boneindex
Bindex is a great screening instrument in Fracture Liaison Service (FLS)!

What a great position of Bindex in Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) in Netherlands! Screening at emergency departments or plaster rooms immediately after fracture, WOW!

How is it working if we look the clinical data?

In this cross-sectional study, 209 consecutive women of 50–70 years with a recent non-vertebral fracture (NVF) were studied at the Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) of one hospital. All women received DXA (hip + spine)/VFA and Bindex® assessments.

Eighty-three women had osteoporosis (40%) and 17 women at least one VF (8%).

By using Bindex, 62% of patients were under the screening threshold (threshold between green and yellow). Now DXA/VFU can be focused only for these patients. With this way the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic pathway for osteoporosis (spine and hip) and vertebral fractures were 87% and 100%, respectively.

This is a great example how to improve processes from the patient point-of-view and healthcare system point-of-view at the same time. Congratulations Netherlands!

*Berg P. et al. “The use of pulse-echo ultrasound in women with a recent non-vertebral fracture to identify those without osteoporosis and/or a subclinical vertebral fracture: a pilot study”, Archives of Osteoporosis, 2020.

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